
Wednesday 20 December 2017

Setting sail

Dear Bella

I know how it feels to be moving to a new country. When I first came to NZ I was really scared and nervous at the same time. It was scary because there were new things I never knew. Also going to school was the worse part for me because I was already bonding with the other people at my old school, but I always looked on the bright side which was starting fresh which meant new house new friends and new school.When I thought of all those things I began to think of the great things it could do to my life it could build up my confidence and so it did which makes me feel better about myself.
Ever since that day I've grown up to achieve things in my life.

Love malia

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Malia thanks for sharing this personal story about your journey to New Zealand. It was great to read. You are able to relate to the journey that the early settlers made when they travelled here.

It must have been difficult coming to New Zealand on a waka! Can you imagine what sort of dangers there must have been?

Thanks, Billy

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