
Showing posts with label Cybersmart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cybersmart. Show all posts

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Five Tips For Cybersmart Learners

Today I have 5 tips for Cybersmart learners. These tips are to show senior children who use 
devices, what we need to do on the internet and  make sure you do appropriate things on the device. Remember to always treat your device with proper care. Lastly learn to  acceptable behavior

I need to learn how to ask permission before I use something for my blog or something else.
I need to learn how to understand and demonstrate the responsible use of my Chromebook.  Source: Smart Learners- Cybersmart
I have to remember to be on the right site at the right time and with the right attitude.
Remember to think about the information you share with other people online/media.
Remember to think before you act. For example when you're buying things make sure you do a lot of research on the product you're thinking of buying.

Monday, 28 November 2016

Faster internet

                                   I have created an image note to share if we have free internet we can learn everyday and we will be smart when we grow up like our parents or like people that inspire us.

Friday, 28 October 2016

Learning how to write proper comments

I learned how to write a quality comment. I have made a comment about a Tamaki college film. It was kind of hard because we weren't allowed to use certain words for example, like, love and good. Some words we did use were admire, enjoyed and hilarious. We also wrote things that the film reminded us of.

Monday, 20 June 2016

Information we share

We  have been learning how to create a positive digital footprint by exploring other school blogs to get information about what they are learning and what and what they are sharing.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

I created a strong password

I have been learning  how to make a special password nobody knows. Always mix up letters and numbers. Never tell anybody your password or they will know your secrets.

Monday, 13 June 2016

My uncle Manu Vatuvei

Malo Lelei

My name is Malia and I go to Ruapotaka Primary School. I have 3 brothers and no sisters. I am Tongan. I like writing because I like learning new words. My learning goal this term is to read slowly and carefully and also to learn my 6-12 times tables.

My favourite game to play is building blocks. My favourite band is the Beach Boys. My favourite team in rugby is the Warriors because my uncle Manu Vatuvei plays in the Warriors.

I admire my family because they provide me with things that I need and they give me food to eat and little mix my favourite song from them is black magic. I love homemade butter chicken with rice. If I had a pets I would have two puppies and their names would be Chubby and Chloe.
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